Thursday, October 25, 2012


Well, life is on an odd curve right now. The cold is coming back... and I hate it. But, I have Lillith's jacket, so I'm warm for the most part. And Lillith makes me incredibly happy.

We spend a lot of random time together, and it's so different from last year, from anything else I have experience with. Part of the time, it's similar to last year, staying in and watching random shows. But the other times, more like 2/3 of the time, we talk about important stuff, unimportant stuff, smoke, and recently we make each other laugh. It's... lovely. I said something I don't often say and feel, I guess, but it was true and I hope Lillith knows how hard it is for me to say the words... let alone actually feel the emotion associated with them. It was... sublime. And just the realization of how great I feel around her :)