Sunday, September 9, 2012


For the first time in a really long time, I feel really great to eat at home. I was finally able to get my mum to buy me food that won't end up in the trash. I made a fruit salad as soon as I got home, and it was glorious. I've never actually made my own fruit salad before, so it was nice to eat it myself.

Hrm, other than food, today's been quite nice. I woke up at Kira's house, smoked a bowl, and then went to Laine's place. Totally walked in on her and Jonathan naked, (they had a shower), and then we got driven to our friend Scotty's. He just moved into town, so we're all stoked to see him. I totally got a few shirts from him, so I'm essited.

I'm gunna make a Creative Writing club at my school. Will post about that later.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I decided to go for a walk, and surprised with a little bit of beauty in this town so many call deadmonton. I saw a large flock of birds flying in a southwestern direction. There were just so many, and the area I was walking in was so open, I could see so many of them. It made me smile, as I slowly killed myself with another cigarette, and alas, I go to bed after being awake for 22.5 hours. First day's a killer, ain't it?

School :S

I start school in a matter of hours, and unfortunately have been cursed with a bout of insomnia. So, I busy myself with reading... well, sort of. I can't seem to concentrate as much as I'd like to, so I keep jumping and switching to things.

I'm excited, and terrified of this new year. I have many courses, and I can't fail any of them, which scares me. I have diplomas... 5 in total, and 4 at the end of the year. The scare the hell out of me, and I might want to invest in a tutor, or something.

But, alas I can start learning, again. My mind's been numbed this summer, with Chemistry 20, reading the physics book, building a fence, travelling. There were many things, in many subjects that I learned this summer, so now I'm going to be bombarded with information.

I want to start swimming, every day that I get the chance to. It would be lovely if I could do it at lunch, but I might be in Choral then, so it might need to wait until after school. Or vice versa, I really don't know. I don't even care about credits, for Choral, I just want to sing... to deepen my voice.

Having to talk to each of my teachers about my name is going to suck, but I guess it must be done. And once I'm 18, well, my mum will have no say over it. I can change my name legally, too... for a price, but at least it's a much easier process than anywhere else. I just need to ask about how to change it on my birth certificate.

Well, I just found out that I won't have any early classes on Thursdays. And I literally raised my arms up in the air and bowed, and whispered excitedly, "Praise the Lord!" It was a very unexpected reaction, but tis very lovely news to receive.

And I just found out my school has a writing club. I'm gunna find out about that shit as soon as I fucking can, because hells yeah! I used to write such awesome things at Vic :D Sadly, I just got hit with a giant ball of nostalgia... for my old friends, whom I keep dreaming about. I miss them, even though they weren't really my friends. I miss Mrs. Graham and her craziness. I want to visit her, see how her summer was, write things for her to read.

But, alas, I should try to sleep... to get at least two more hours of sleep. I sort of doubt it'll happen...
